Age-Old Question

Daily Prompt Age

In a recent post, I pondered the age-old question “Why are we here,” I added a quote my teacher had placed on a chalkboard by Richard Bach. “Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you’re alive, it isn’t.”

I continue to make an effort to live my life to the fullest. To say yes to new experiences and not talk myself out of opportunities because of whatever lame excuse pops into my head. I work from home and find that I go days without leaving my house. Not the best step to living my life to the fullest.

I’m back in school working on my masters. Class started last week and I recognized my weekends would be filled with homework. Between working from home and doing homework, I was in danger of becoming a hermit. 🙂

I was proud of myself last night. I went to dinner with friends and had a great time, today I’m going to see a comedy with my neighbor, Bad Moms Christmas. I will buckle down on my homework this afternoon and Sunday.

It seems like a small thing, dinner, and a movie but it is key to staying healthy. Susan Pinker reveals how in-person social interactions are not only necessary for human happiness but also could be a key to health and longevity. I hope you enjoy her Ted-Talk.


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