Category Archives: Animals

Which cover?

Does anyone else build their covers before the book is complete? I like to have a final cover once I vet my story out. It helps me manifest the final product. I can’t decide between these two covers. The story is about a dog that helps his owner find love. That makes me lean toward the dog with the flowers.

Please let me know what you think.

Word Prompt Derail

Don’t let not having a gym membership derail getting exercise.

Max is so good about racing around the yard and running around the house with his toys. He loves it; you can see the joy spilling out of him.


Photo by Jim Antich

Don’t let not having a gym membership derail your exercise routine. My pup Max has shifted my thinking on exercise. It’s not just about putting time in at the gym or even just moving; it’s about loving that you are moving. I’m still working on getting more exercise but I’m following Max’s lead, and I pick activities I love. I live across the street from the most beautiful trail and walking it is such a peaceful experience. It combines my pamper “me time” with exercise. I also picked Zumba. I love music, I love dancing, and I love how everyone laughs and has a good time.

Pick something you love so exercise is something you get to do, not something you have to do. You are less likely to make excuses about why you can’t fit it in. I won’t bore you with the health benefits; you have heard all that before.


Dog Inspired Lessons (for Humans) Free

Great News. Amazon agreed to put Dog Inspired Lessons (for Humans) for free! Now it is free on Itunes and Amazon.


Dog Inspired lessons  Amazon and on Itunes Ibook!


Dog ebook interpreted

Dog Inspired Lessons