Category Archives: Restlessness

Release & No backseat driving!


Max drivingI can relate to the daily prompt topic of release. It was one of my hardest lessons to learn. Not saying I’m a control freak (okay, maybe) but letting others step in and help changed my stress level immensely.

My dog Max and Cooper take turns being Alpha. Sometimes Max calls the shots and sometimes it is Cooper. When it switches, they seem to accept the new role with grace. So how does that translate as a lesson?

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Your Soul’s Cry for Change

Working on my next chapter for Restlessness, Your Soul’s Cry for Change. I would love to hear your experience or thoughts on the impact of how changing your perception of an event, changes how you react or respond.

Can your perception of an event contribute to feeling unhappy? How easy is it to shift? For example, You think someone at work is out to get you or make you look bad or your boss doesn’t appreciate you and you feel miserable.

What if you shifted your thoughts?  Jane isn’t out to get me, she is just being Jane. Is she coming from a place of fear? Does she think I’m  going to take her job?

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Express – If you want things to change, you need to express it. Daily Post Prompt


Have you noticed there are times when you have a heavy workload and tight deadlines that you feel charged by it? You hear people say things like “I work better under pressure.” Then there are times with the same workload and deadlines that you feel you are going to snap if one more thing is added to your plate. Why the difference? Could it be the perception of being valued or not? We have an innate need to feel appreciated and to know that our contributions matter. We will dive in and give a task everything we have if we believe we are making a difference. If we feel, we are part of a team. Looking outside of ourselves for that validation can leave us feeling slighted if we don’t speak up and express our needs.

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Keeping open the lines of communication

ear kissIt is important to keep the lines of communication open. I love watching my dogs Max and Cooper communicate. If Max wants to play, he assumes the play-bow position. If Cooper doesn’t, he jumps on the couch with me, sending the message that he is not interested, thanks for asking.

Have you noticed there are times when you have such a heavy workload and tight deadlines that you feel charged by it? You hear people say things such as “I work better under pressure.” Then there are times with the same workload and deadlines that you feel you are going to snap if one more thing is added to your plate. Why the difference? Is it the feeling of being valued or not valued? We have an innate need to feel appreciated and to know that our contributions matter.

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I was reminded recently about gratitude and how it can help during times of Restlessness.

Monty-Summer Thanksgiving That’s Summer and Monty in the picture; I love Monty’s face and overwhelming gratitude that he is going to share in our Thanksgiving feast.

My pups get a treat every night at 8:00. They expect it and my pup Cooper knows how to tell time. At 7:59, you get the stare. If you haven’t moved to pick up his Kong by 8:00, he will take his paw and tap your leg, just in case you didn’t know what time it was. He expects it but is still grateful. When you hand him his treat, he bounces to the den like he has just won the Lotto. Every time. Okay, I’m projecting, he probably doesn’t have gratitude but you know what I mean.

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Transcending a Mundane Life Into an Inspired One.

Repeating Patterns of behavior


Your Soul’s Cry for Change

I read a shampoo bottle once that had instructions to lather, rinse and repeat.  I remember thinking how dirty would your hair have to be if you had to wash it twice?

I decided it was a good ploy on the part of the shampoo company to double the shampoo use per user and increase sales without having to increase the customer base.  What a marketing strategy.

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Restlessness-Your Soul’s Cry for Change


Your Soul’s Cry for Change

This is my first blog. Not really sure how it works. I’m hoping that people can respond and write how they feel about restlessness and how they overcome it.  I have the first few chapters drafted. I’m wondering if I’m the only one that goes through periods of restlessness.

Have you ever had a feeling of restlessness that snuck up on you seemingly out of the blue? Even when things were going great in your career and relationship? This feeling happens to me more times than I can count and seems to pop up every five years, give or take a year. For me it is a nagging feeling deep within that tells me something is missing, that there is some empty part of me that needs a refill. In the past, my response would be to roll my eyes and admonish my feelings. Poor you, you have a great job and a loving spouse. I can see why you feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled. Suck it up buttercup. Boot-straps young lady or get over yourself already. There are millions of people that would trade your life in an instant. After being properly berated and my life put back into perspective, I would shake it off and continue business as usual. Unfortunately, business, as usual, doesn’t last long. Like a scene from Fatal Attraction. “I won’t be ignored Dan!,” the feelings shout back.” The sense of uneasiness, while subtle at first, intensifies and my mindset shifts from great happiness and joy to frustration and misery.
Does this happen to anyone else? What do you do to tame the beast?

Please use the comment box below, or if you prefer you can email me at

Thank you.

Joyce Kostakis